Is Police Reform Possible?
Is police reform possible in America? Yes, we believe reform is possible. Is lack of knowledge about the law, bad tactics, and failure to adhere to training policies, the root cause of excessive policing, brutality and unarmed shootings? Yes, we believe it is but it is not the only factor.
Currently, police officers have no financial accountability. Sadly, most of them have no clue how much money the cities have paid out for their illegal acts, so how can there be a deterrent? Would they employ better judgment, practice sound tactics or make efforts to set aside personal bias if they knew they would share financial liability of the resulting lawsuits? Absolutely! Accountability always alters behavior.
Misconduct, let’s not condone it and let’s not pay for it!
What We Are Doing:
We have drafted a Police Liability Insurance and Accountability Initiative Measure to be put on the California ballot.
We hope to amend the laws of the state to require peace officers to carry Professional Liability Insurance. It is our hope that the assumption of limited financial responsibility for their actions will encourage police officers to be more professional in their conduct, resulting in better relations with the public and a safer environment for everyone.
What We Want:
Simply stated, we want reform. There are many components to police reform but one that has not been explored is to hold officers financially accountable for misconduct.
Each year, countless families grieve over wrongful deaths at the hands of errant officers. Cities pay millions of dollars to compensate citizens and other police officers who sue their own police department for negligence, abuse, violation of department policies, and misconduct. Where do those lawsuit dollars come from? The TAXPAYER
Police Liability Insurance Act
- 1 Greater police accountability
- 2Reduced Tax Payer Liability
- 3A greater sense of public trust.
- 4Fewer victims of excessive policing